Have you ever wondered about the lyrics of Stuck With U by Ariana Grande featuring Justin Bieber? If so, then you are certainly not alone. Many fans are still not familiar with this song, but here are some of the top explanations of its lyrics. If you’re wondering, why is the song being played at radio stations everywhere, you’re not alone! There are many reasons behind that, so let’s explore them together.
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While Ariana Grande and Justin Bieber have been good friends for years, they had never worked together like this. Their collaboration on “Stuck with U” spread hope amidst the global coronavirus pandemic. In the wake of the outbreak, Ariana Grande and Justin Bieber encouraged their fans to share videos of themselves – or at least of each other – while quarantined.
“Stuck With U” was released on May 8. The music video featured clips of celebrities being quarantined – including Demi Lovato and Michael Buble. Grande also celebrated its release on Instagram. It has since become one of the biggest hits of 2017.
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