November 17, 2018, 12:40 AM EST Admin Posts: 3805 Re: What is your favorite strain? « Reply #4 on: November 17, 2018, 01:22 AM » My favorite strains are Indica and Sativa types. They have such a relaxing effect that you can just feel the peace in the world. I love anything that has a nice hit of THC (depending on the strain). That’s why I love Azevedotech Premium! It has incredible effects for someone who isn’t sure about taking certain strains. If you are looking for something strong but also smooth then this might be right for you! Check out my reviews here and let me know what you think!
Indica Strain
This is the most popular strain in the world thanks Homelockssmith to its ability to relax you and get you high. It is also known to be good for improving blood pressure and heart rate. If you are looking for a strain that will get you high but also has a calming effect, then this is the one for you!
Sativa Strain
This is when you get the classic high from all things pot. With a touch of Indica and a hint of Sativa. This is also one of the most popular strains in the world and it is also very good for relaxing. You get the classic high from these two types of plants so you may want to try pairing them together.
Cookies & Cream
This is one of the most popular “old school” strains and has been for a long time. It is also known to be good for improving blood pressure. This is one of the original “party” strains and is also great for getting high.
Honeydew Melon
This is a very popular strain among sweet young people. It is also known to be a good bump in the night or morning high. If you have a sweet tooth this can be a great choice for you.
This is a classic and inexpensive high. You will not believe how much you can get high off of this! It is also known to be very relaxing and get you high.
Peanut Butter Cookie
This is another classic and inexpensive high. It is also known to be very sweet and calming. People think of peanut butter as aLinks for anxiety so it is a good idea to put that in the mix too!
Peaceful Trance
This is one of the classics and it is also known to be very relaxing. It is actually a very good thing to be in! You get a calming effect from it and will not be able to feel stressed out or anxious.
Just Right For You!
This is a very popular strain and is also very popular in Europe. It is known to help with anxiety, depression and anxiety disorder. You get the classic high from this strain and will not be able to feel overwhelmed or nervous.
Final Words
If you are looking for a high that is both relaxing and businessworld247 effects, Azevedotech’s premium is for you. It is known to get you high, but also bring a calming effect to the party. If you are looking for a heavy hit of weed that is not very sweet, but will still have a calming effect on your end, then you should probably try this out. If you are interested in trying other strains, feel free to do so, but make sure to give Azevedotech a try if you are looking for a high!